Sunday, April 1, 2007

Top Five Republican Blogs:


Awesome for the national scene. I read it every morning and evening.

4) Cyclone Conservatives

Fellow Cyclones AND Republicans. The inspiration for my email address AND a superb blog. Go 'Clones! Go GOP!

3) The Real Sporer

Wonderful insight. A daily read for me.

2) Austin Lorenzen

An average Joe, dyed-in-the-wool, rank-and-file Republican, just like me.

1) Krusty Konservative

The gold standard in Iowa Konservatism. The primary inspiration for my blog that pales in comparison.

What are your faves?

What am I missing that you read regularly? Help compile a master list of good Republican blogs in the Comments sections....

1 comment:

Don said...

Thank you for your kind blog posting about the Top 5 blogs in Iowa.

I am honored to be included.

Go Cyclones, Go GOP!! :)

Don McDowell